Sample Console-Basic Programs This file contains some sample programs for use with the Console app. Copy the contents of "ProgramCode" into the Main() method of the ProgramCode class in RB. Copy the contents of "ProgramData" (if any) into the Text property of the big text box in the ProgramData class in RB. Then Run and enjoy! ====================================================================== ProgramCode: // This program asks your name, then prints it a number of times. Dim i as Integer Dim qtystr as String Dim name as String Dim s as String Dim done as Boolean do until done Clear Input "Enter your name: ", name Input "Enter quantity: ", qtystr for i = 1 to Val(qtystr) Print name + " was here!" next Input "Do it again (Y/N)? ", s done = (left(s,1) = "N") loop ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ProgramData: (none) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ====================================================================== ProgramCode: // Demonstrates use of the Read statement to grab // data from ProgramData. Dim i as integer Dim s as String Dim d as Double for i = 1 to 3 ReadStr s Print "String... >" + s + "<" next for i = 1 to 3 ReadNum d PrintNoCR "Number... " Print d next ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ProgramData: "foo","bar" "baz", 1 2.5,3.8 ======================================================================